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Inevitable Crimes of Passion



A Henry James novel in a bottle, an invitation into a Victorian orangery, then into the velvet upholstered parlour for tea, then down to the basement.

nevitable Crimes of Passion was inspired by a story Sarah's university friend told her. When he was 17 he was walking around the British Museum follwing a wonderful fragrance, which he traced to an elegant older woman. (Older than him that is; he was only 17.) Eventually he found the corauge to ask her what she was wearing.

The idea that a fragrance might be so beautiful that it would challenge you to do something extraordinary started to grow, and eventually it took shape as the perfume of a Henry James novel. It's not one specific book, but as every one of his stories involves at least one young innocent rich American being seduced by one or more older, impoverished, charming shameless Europeans, it seemed to fit rather nicely with the original (true) tale.

So this is the scent of being invited into the orangery, then to the parlour for cake and coffee, into the drawing room for cognac, then into the cellar never to be seen again.If we had to classify it, we'd say it's an outgrageously seductive gourmande.

(It was Revlon's Moondrops since you ask.)