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Navitus Parfums

Navitus Allure Discovery Set 15 x 3ml


Navitus Parfums’ Allure discovery set contains fifteen fragrances from the collection in 3ml sizes each. These include Venom of Love, Chocolate Queen, Raised Spirits, XO Brandy, Eau Debonaire, Divine Aphrodisiac, Sartorial Nuit, The Key, Vivamor, Creme Imperiale and the new oriental collection Aura Ultime, Paradis Exotique, Luxe Absolu, Desir Infini and Nuit Royale.

Experience many of the iconic and seductive fragrances from Navitus Parfums.


*Important to note that the fragrance vials are not filled to full – they are filled only to 3ml (under half full).